Dr Julian Cauceglia

Dr Julian Cauceglia
Clinical Hypnotherapist
8961 Daniels Center Dr #408
Fort Myers, FL 33912
(239) 768-9386
Dr. Julian Cauceglia holds Doctorates in Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and is the author of many books and articles on the subject of  Hypnosis, including The Power Within, Make-Up Their Mind, and Making Horses Drink. A bonafide expert on the subject, his articles frequently appear in national as well as international publications, and his lectures, seminars and classes are attended by thousands throughout the world. In addition to Dr. Julian's extensive experience and education in Hypnosis, he is also a renowned Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer and specialist. The techniques of influence and persuasion which he developed know as "Mind AestheticsĀ®" are practiced throughout the world.
Currently, Dr. Julian maintains his practice in Southwest Florida while lecturing, teaching and performing throughout the country. Dr. Julian is a Master Hypnotist,  certified a  Clinical Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and Board Certified by the AAMA (American Alternative Medical Association).
Dr. Julian specializes in Behavior Modification including: Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Sports Enhancement, Stress Management, Controlling Unwanted Behavior, Improved Sleep, Stuttering, and Overcoming Phobias.
Help is just a phone call away:
Check Out Dr. Julian's Latest Book:
Make-Up Their Mind

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